We Aim to Improve the Communities Where We Work and Live
We Aim to Improve the Communities Where We Work and Live
The Senteo Amigos program aligns our company’s humanitarian values with our vision of using “experiences” to give children living in orphanages a chance to interact with positive role models, fulfilling their need for individual attention and affection.
Senteo Amigos are employees, partners, associates, and friends who donate their time and money to offer social experience, much-needed emotional warmth, and affection.
The Home Experience: Senteo Amigos assess the orphanages’ facilities and, with the help of the director and staff, compile a list of items that directly impact the home lives of our children. We emphasize things that will enhance comfort, leisure activities, and a sense of “home.” Since 2007, Senteo Amigos have contributed furniture, appliances, sports equipment, clothing, computers, Play Stations, DVDs and other electronic equipment. These contributions are possible through the time and fundraising efforts of our team, as well monetary donations from our benefactors.
The Outing Experience: Sometimes the best things in life are not “things.” So we organize bowling trips, outdoor excursions, nights at the movies, picnics and concerts.
The Celebration Experience: Senteo Amigos host parties that involve all five senses. We surround the kids in a complete ambiance of celebration, with interactive games, karaoke, face painting, food and drinks.
Our next goal is to add a fourth experience area, the Educational Experience, which will provide learning opportunities.
There are an estimated 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 orphaned and homeless children living in Russia and the Ukraine. Of these, more than 1,000,000 live in orphanages. From the orphanage system alone, this represents approximately 50,000 to 60,000 children per year reach adult age without having had the experience of growing up in a family.
Statistics show that only one out of 10 of these children will become a functional member of society. In fact, according to information published by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2000, the following will happen to these kids after leaving orphanages:
- 50% fall into a high-risk category
- 40% become drug users
- 40% commit crimes
- 10% commit suicide