Measure the Quality of Customer Contacts, Customer Experiences, and Customer Relationships

We create local and global market benchmarks, that enable companies to compare themselves with competitors and understand the quality of customer contacts, customer experiences, and customer relationships based on global best practices.
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Measure the Quality of Customer Contacts, Customer Experiences, and Customer Relationships

We create local and global market benchmarks, that enable companies to compare themselves with competitors and understand the quality of customer contacts, customer experiences, and customer relationships based on global best practices.
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Latest Research News
The global shift towards digital innovation and technology has prompted Kazakh banks to migrate online, forcing them to focus on customer experience to secure a strong position in the market.
The main results, excerpts and conclusions in the presentation format on the results of the three-year research of the Customer Experience Index (CEI) in the banking sector of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries conducted by Senteo in collaboration with the Marketing Association of Uzbekistan.
Alexey Veretenov, Managing Partner of Senteo Inc., sheds light on the transformative role of the CEI in Azerbaijan’s banking sector in 2023.
We Will Help You Stay Up-to-Date with the Quality Trends in Your Company
We Conduct Independent Field Research
We Conduct Independent Field Research
Our fully-trained mystery shoppers contact, interact, take pictures, record observations, and complete a standardized scorecard with 65 – 90 data points both qualitative and quantitative.
We Provide Tools to Collect Customer Feedback
We Provide Tools to Collect Customer Feedback
Our customer feedback platforms help companies collect detailed customer feedback, both qualitative and quantitative, specifically on the quality of employee contacts and the quality of customer relationships overall.
We Visualize the Results & Prepare Conclusions
We Visualize the Results & Prepare Conclusions
Our team configures unified, comprehensive, and interactive dashboards for each client with the results, trends, and details from all data collected, and our experts add their observations and conclusions.
We Help You to Make Quality Improvement Decisions
We Help You to Make Quality Improvement Decisions
Using your dashboard, you can go from average, aggregate scores down to the level of each individual contact and see full detail of all data points. Our experts can help you to reach the best conclusions on how to improve.
What We Measure?
Mystery Shopping

The Customer Experience Culture Index (CXCI) is a measure of the quality of human interactions with customers in different channels. Unlike other mystery shopping methodologies, the CXCI is designed to focus on the quality of human contact and the emotional state of the customer during each contact

CXCI – A Frontline Measure of Customer-Centric Corporate Culture

A measure of customer-centric corporate culture can be found in the quality of individual contacts between the employees of a company and customers. The quality of individual human contact, team dynamics during interactions, and the condition of customer environments under the control of the team are the key human influence in the quality of each contact/interaction with the company.

CXCI Criteria: What We Measure?


Individual contact

How satisfying was the individual contact with each person?


How effectively did the team work to meet customer needs, preferences, and behavior?


Is the team ensuring that customer environments are comfortable and safe for customers?

Customer journey

What was the emotional state of the customer during seven data points of the “journey” during each visit?

Customer Experience Index (CEI)

The Customer Experience Index (CEI) allows companies to measure and benchmark the quality and consistency of customer experiences for potential customers visiting a physical location for the first time. It is designed specifically for companies to see their performance compared to competitors through the eyes of a potential customer. The index is based on five key elements that have a strong influence on acquisition of new customers at the first point of contact in a physical location: Brand, Communications, Environment, Offering, and Culture. From the last 15 years of experience with this methodology, we can confirm that companies that are more advanced in these five elements in their physical locations will enjoy more effective customer acquisition results, lower price sensitivity, and more willingness to consider an ongoing relationship.

CEI Criteria



Brand visibility, consistency, understandability, and relevance for the customer.


Progression and understandability of the communications along with a relevant call to action and general tone of voice.


Intuitive and easy to navigate premises along with the condition both inside and outside and the general quality of the atmosphere including order and cleanliness.


Clear, relevant, and understandable presentation of the value proposition along with the terms, pricing, process, and any possible options or additional benefits.


Interested, proactive, and detail-oriented staff, both individually and as a team, focused on adapting to the needs and preferences of the customer.
Customer Feedback

The Five Promises platform is an accessible, simple and standardized instrument for collecting customer feedback on the quality of human contact with customers. The analyzed feedback is then represented in interactive dashboards with insights on how to improve quality in your customer touch points in five key promises that any organization should fulfill for their customers.


Relationship & Interest

We will always show sincere interest and treat each contact with you as an opportunity to strengthen our relationship

Exceeding Expectations

We will always try to be flexible and find a solution that is tailored to your needs and preferences

Teamwork & Roles

We will always be supportive and professional towards you and each other and work together to deliver the right outcome for you

Attitude & Consistency

You will enjoy the same positivity, efficiency, and attention to detail with any member of our team


You will always feel safe and comfortable in our environment

Why these Five Promises?

Our experience in over 30 countries has shown us that measuring the quality of human contact requires a balance of several elements. Asking your customers to rate these specific promises allows us to understand the quality of individual contacts, team dynamics, and the environment created by the team.

These Five Promises are also designed to isolate the quality of human contact – excluding other factors that may not be fair when evaluating the performance of employees. Other rating systems fail to isolate human behavior and often include many factors influencing customer feedback that are not specifically related to the quality of human interactions.

The Five Promises platform enables organizations to collect feedback from customers, index performance of physical and alternative customer touch points, and benchmark against other organizations to understand and improve the quality of human interactions with their customers.

The Relationship Strength Score is a rich methodology that provides a measure of loyalty far more reliable than other approaches commonly used in business today. This survey / interview methodology is designed to measure three main factors of loyalty:


Factors of Loyalty


Factors of Loyalty


Factors of Loyalty
With implementations in multiple countries and industries, we can confirm a clear correlation with revenue, loyalty, and relationship consolidation related to the score. The Relationship Strength Score can be used to measure loyalty with customers as a whole or in specific segments and/or geographies. It has also proven quite valuable in multiple implementations as a measure of employee loyalty.
Why the Quality of Human Contact is Important?
In the digital age, many can say that human contact is less important than digital interfaces; however, if a customer has reached a human in your organization, it is likely one of three possible scenarios:
This customer does not currently use digital channels, which represents an opportunity to register and onboard the customer to remote channels.
This customer has complex questions and/or needs consultation on a complex matter that was not easily found or explained in online interfaces.
This customer already tried to resolve their issue through digital channels and was unable to reach a satisfactory outcome.
All three of these scenarios are moments of truth in which the quality of human contact will either strengthen or damage the relationship with the customer.
Why Mystery Shopping & Customer Feedback is Important? Why Mystery Shopping & Customer Feedback is Important?
Why Mystery Shopping & Customer Feedback is Important?
Understanding how you perform compared to your competition is key for success in any business. But most mystery shopping & customer feedback approaches cannot provide a market benchmark
Using mystery shoppers and customer feedback for quality control is a widespread practice, but with differing scorecards and differing approaches, it is often impossible to use as a competitor benchmark.
Our mystery shoppers are trained to assess the many facets of great customer experiences in physical locations, and we provide this benchmark quarterly in most markets.
Our customer feedback platforms are designed specifically to measure the quality of human contacts in physical and alternative channels and the overall quality of customer relationships.
Why These Tools Are So Important for Your Business Today?
The platforms above were designed specifically for businesses as tools to help management to measure and improve the quality of customer contacts, which will ultimately lead to better customer relationships, stronger loyalty, and more stable financial performance.
Humans Are Important! Humans Are Important!
Many will say that humans will be replaced by artificial intelligence or automated out of most positions with recurring tasks; however, most businesses are still designed with humans as customers or end users. Most customers, when faced with a difficult problem, a complex issue, or a need for some well-tailored advice, will seek the help of a human if they cannot easily find a solution through digital channels.

How your team handles these contacts are “moments of truth” in the relationships with customers: great human contacts will strengthen the relationship; poor human contacts may risk the relationship altogether.
Corporate Culture<br>Is Important! Corporate Culture
Is Important!
Most companies dedicate significant attention and resources on creating technological infrastructure and agile product teams and underperform on ensuring consistent contact quality. How your teams collaborate to ensure consistent customer experiences and great customer relationships is vital for any business today.
Analytics Are Important!
Analytics Are Important!
Sample Dashboards
Analytics Are Important! Analytics Are Important!
Proven Correlation with Economic Benefits
Over the first five years of our field research projects, we had annual audits from Big Four Auditors who confirmed both the legitimacy of our benchmarks and also the proven correlation with economic results of the participants. Both the CXCI and the CEI methodologies showed consistent correlation with the following three areas that should be interesting for any business:
Sales Effectiveness
Companies that scored higher had better customer acquisition and cross-sell results than those with lower scores
Companies with higher scored enjoyed price premiums on average 60% more than lower scoring competitors
Companies in the top of the rating had more relationship consolidation and less attrition than companies with lower scores
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