Study Tours
Study Tours
Study tours are ideal for groups of managers and executives from the same company, but they can also be organized for diverse groups of people from multiple companies and countries. Depending on the group, the Tour program can be tailored to meet a particular interest or correspond to a certain element of a corporate strategy. For instance, the study tour may include a more detailed focus on specific types of experiential business models, industries, or customer segments.
Tour participants extract practical value by observing successful customer experience concepts applied in the real world and by learning how to implement best-practice ideas in their own businesses.
By touring real world places and learning best practices with my team, we are able to sit down and really make some much needed changes.
Original and non-traditional approach – the best business program that I’ve ever had.
New ideas came into my head during each part of the trip!
Plenty of real-world examples about other companies and business models; many fresh ideas.
Excellent program and perfect delivery method. This tour gave me new ideas about how to change our current processes.