Corporate Culture

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Kim M. Scott discusses the behavior of the bosses and their types. She insists that a combination of honesty and care for people can result in a happier and more productive workplace.
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Laszlo Bock depicts Google’s corporate culture and explains how it is applicable to many other environments. He believes that people are fundamentally good and should be trusted.
What is Relationship-Centricity?
This short video explains what relationship-centricity is and how it is different from customer-centricity. Follow the link to see how companies can extract value from their relationships with
Join strategist Martin Reeves as he explains how executives can apply six principles from living organisms to build resilient businesses that flourish in the face of change.
How to Build a Business That Lasts 100 Years
Join strategist Martin Reeves as he explains how executives can apply six principles from living organisms to build resilient businesses that flourish in the face of change.
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Damon Centola argues that genuine change requires a change in behaviors and attitudes, and that the ideas underpinning these changes spread through social networks, which shape social norms.
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Gladwell’s thesis is that success goes beyond any single individual’s qualities – rather, the circumstances and surroundings in which any individual exists play an equally, if not more, important role.
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This book looks at the customer-centric vs. product-centric organization from the perspective of an organizational design expert. The premise is that the firm must be organized around the customer.
Reicheld builds on the Six Principles of Loyalty: play to win/win; be picky; keep it simple; reward the right results; listen hard, talk straight; and preach what you practice.
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Reicheld builds on the Six Principles of Loyalty: play to win/win; be picky; keep it simple; reward the right results; listen hard, talk straight; and preach what you practice.
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Dennis Lee Yohn explores how brand and company culture need to work hand-in-hand in order for companies to reach their full potential. Yohn is a consultant, business speaker, and author.
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Culture Code is written by a cultural anthropologist and marketing expert who worked on pioneering international marketing projects for many Fortune 500 companies, such as helping Nestle sell coffee to the Japanese.
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This book is about customer service and creating an environment of “amazement” in your organization, defined as indoctrinating your team into “service that is consistently and predictably better than average.”