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The book advocates that creating an intentional, consistent, differentiated and valuable customer experience that is synonymous with your brand is increasingly recognized as a vital driver of corporate performance.
Jeff Toister is a customer experience author, consultant, and trainer. His book provides a unique guide of useful tips which emphasize customer service skills that also trickle into relationship building.
Andrew Reise Consulting combined the knowledge of their team to collectively compose a novel that highlights the risks of failure in the customer experience realm.
A follow-up to The DNA of Customer Experience, which takes a more futuristic view of customer experience and trends which are shaping it. The book describes components of three major trends.
A follow-up to The DNA of Customer Experience, which takes a more futuristic view of customer experience and trends which are shaping it. The book describes components of three major trends.
In Customer Loyalty, the author begins with a short introduction to customer loyalty, drawing distinctions between increasing market share and building loyalty, and how a market strategy can limit loyalty.
This is an updated edition of Bank 3.0, from the author who addresses the disruptive forces threatening the banking world.
A comprehensive manual on the changes occurring in the banking world, with a focus on the three main disruptive forces which are dramatically changing the financial services industry.
This book is about customer service and creating an environment of “amazement” in your organization, defined as indoctrinating your team into “service that is consistently and predictably better than average.”
This book is about customer service and creating an environment of “amazement” in your organization, defined as indoctrinating your team into “service that is consistently and predictably better than average.”
What Women Want focuses on the female shopper and her growing presence in the global marketplace, identifying just exactly what constitutes the personality and needs of the modern woman shopper.
An anthology of Harvard Business Review articles. The authors of the 9 articles provide a collection of best practices for making your customers loyal, translating this into profitability.
The book is organized into 2 main sections, the first explains value and experience for the customer, the second explains how any company can create value through experience.