2010 - 2011 Russia
2010 - 2011 Russia

Nomos Bank is one of the largest privately-owned Russian universal banks offering a wide range of banking products and services to corporate, small business and retail clients, as well as investment banking services, across the most economically developed regions of Russia.
Some of the Results
15.0 billion rubles the net profit
Including the net profit of the shareholders of Nomos Bank in the amount of 12.6 billion rubles, which is 25.7% more than in 2011.
136.1 rubles earnings per share
In 2012 amounted. Profit per gdr was $2.2 at the rate of rub 30.4 per us $1 as of December 31st, 2012
44.7 billion rubles total operating income
Excluding provisions for impairment of assets, for 2012 totaled to , an increase of 21.5% compared to 2011 results
11.9% net interest income
In 2012 increased by to rub 31.4 billion due to the successful growth of the group's loan portfolio outstripping the market, as well as an increase in the share of highly profitable retail loans in the loan portfolio
Facts in Numbers
+129% net fee and commission income
+137% net income from trading activities
+131% loan portfolio
Project Objectives
Concentrated on a network re-design as well as sharing best-practice knowledge on a wide-range of areas that would help Nomos Bank’s team pursue and fulfill their strategic initiatives.

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