Vremena Goda
2009 - 2010 Russia

Vremena Goda
Facts in Numbers
+67% Linger Time
Linger Time
+58% Return Visits <30 Days
Return Visits <30 Days
+197% Increase in Customer Traffic
Increase in Customer Traffic

Shopping center Vremena Goda which boasts a a high end design and has  a prime location near a wealthy residential area of Moscow. It is the host to many luxury stores.

Project Objectives

Senteo redesigned the common areas and retail environment to provide a higher level of comfort and engagement for customers. In addition, the project team also participated in the development of the marketing campaign, aimed at attracting the target clientele to Vermena Goda.

Some of the First-Year Results
  • The center began to experience increased customer traffic on weekdays and weekends
  • Three months later, the shopping center’s attendance tripled
  • The level of sales of the center’s tenants also increased sharply, thanks to more effective external marketing and effective internal navigation and the exhibition of products throughout the center.
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