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Gladwell’s thesis is that success goes beyond any single individual’s qualities – rather, the circumstances and surroundings in which any individual exists play an equally, if not more, important role.
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Jim Collins and Morten Hansen build on Colins’ previous works. They use a similar format of case studies and analyzed research to identify drivers of success in “great” companies.
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In this book, Jim Collins undertakes the task of clarifying what it takes for a company to transition from simply being good to truly being a great company.
Siggelkow and Terwiesch propose 4 frameworks for transforming episodic interations between customers and businesses into continuous customer relationships, removing many of the issues of traditional business models.
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Siggelkow and Terwiesch propose 4 frameworks for transforming episodic interations between customers and businesses into continuous customer relationships, removing many of the issues of traditional business models.
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Author John DiJulius highlights the importance of relationship building. DiJulius is considered a premier authority on world-class Customer service and is the author of three books on Customer experience.
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Edited by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, this is a textbook-style volume on customer relationship management, collating materials and chapters from leading authorities in the field.
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Ries explores the pitfalls and shortcomings that catalyzed many start-up failures, and the tools and mindset required to avoid that same fate, offering insights from both anecdotes and theory perspective.
Clayton M. Christensen follows The Innovator’s Dilemma with The Innovator’s Solution, an answer for how businesses can create and sustain growth within their company in the face of innovation.
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Clayton M. Christensen follows The Innovator’s Dilemma with The Innovator’s Solution, an answer for how businesses can create and sustain growth within their company in the face of innovation.
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This light and rather entertaining book chronicles the rise and success of Zappos and its unique company culture, as told by author, founder and entrepreneur, Tony Hsieh.
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Scott Gould uses his diverse expertise and life experience to define engagement providing a framework within the book which describes this process, with both tactical and strategic utility.
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Northern Irish poet and author Michael Foley investigates the foundations of fun and what it has meant throughout the ages. Underneath the veneer of light-hearted and witty text lies a conceptual template for creating fun and memorable experiences.