Organizational Evolution

How leaders must evolve together with business models (Module 6)
Great leaders understand a few things about leadership and guiding change. Setting aside 0ld-style management tactics, the leaders of the digital age inspire, guide, influence, and support their teams on their journeys to great success.
#1. Are Banks in Russia Behaving in a More Human Way During the Coronavirus Crisis?
With the large share of government banks, the response has been quick and largely in favor of fair and reasonable approaches to help customers in this time of crisis. Michael Ruckman and Alexey Marey discuss the Coronavirus Crisis in Russia and how Banks are responding.
#2. Is Financial Literacy Good for Banks?
Is it good for banks to teach customers how to manage their finances? Turns out it is! Michael Ruckman and Alexey Marey continue their discussion on the Coronavirus Crisis in Russia and how Banks are responding.
#3. Where Do People Get Financial Education?
Seems that banks might be a good vehicle for spreading financial literacy. At least the initial results seem to be beneficial both for customers and banks. Michael Ruckman and Alexey Marey continue their discussion on the Coronavirus Crisis in Russia and how Banks are responding.
#3. Where Do People Get Financial Education?
Seems that banks might be a good vehicle for spreading financial literacy. At least the initial results seem to be beneficial both for customers and banks. Michael Ruckman and Alexey Marey continue their discussion on the Coronavirus Crisis in Russia and how Banks are responding.
#4. Could a Crisis be Good for Customer-Centricity?
It sometimes takes a crisis to break away from the old model and see the new model. This crisis may actually help banks to become more customer-centric. Michael Ruckman and Alexey Marey continue their discussion on the Coronavirus Crisis in Russia and how Banks are responding.
#5. Is Organizational Culture is Important for Quality of Relationships?
Examples of relationship-centricity are everywhere, but there is still a lot of room for development. Corporate culture becomes more and more important for companies. Michael Ruckman and Alexey Marey continue their discussion on the Coronavirus Crisis in Russia and how Banks are responding.
#6. Could Everyone Stay Remote? Probably Not!
Seems that neither 100% remote nor 100% office are acceptable in the new normal brought about by the pandemic. Most likely, various forms of hybrid work models will arise over the next year. Michael Ruckman and Alexey Marey finish up their discussion on the Coronavirus Crisis in Russia and how Banks are responding.
Before the lockdown, Marcus Guest and Michael Ruckman managed to film a discussion about the effects of Coronavirus, and how businesses should react. We will post in 14 separate clips over the next weeks. Please let us know your thoughts and feel free to send questions and comments.
Surviving & Thriving in a Post-Coronavirus World (Module 1 of 14)
Before the lockdown, Marcus Guest and Michael Ruckman managed to film a discussion about the effects of Coronavirus, and how businesses should react. We will post in 14 separate clips over the next weeks. Please let us know your thoughts and feel free to send questions and comments.
Russia in a Time of Сrisis (Module 2 of 14)
Why hasn’t Russia become more powerful from the commercial perspective? What is the power of this country? People are extremely well educated and resourceful here. How do they behave in crisis situation? Michael Ruckman and Marcus Guest share their ideas with public.
Mission-Command in the New Normal (Module 3 of 14)
Michael Ruckman and Marcus Guest discuss of the idea of Mission - Command. Set a direction for your organization over the next couple of weeks and make sure everyone understands their role. That gives everyone something to focus on, and the Leader then has time to focus on the next steps after that.
Authority & Control (Module 4 of 14)
Michael Ruckman and Marcus Guest continue their discussion about the current changes. So, what should a leader actually do? Create the mission. Then, cross the river by feeling the stones. One step at a time as the horizon becomes more clear. Trying to build bridges while the other side is not visible will only lead to more frustration.