Next Is Now: 5 Steps for Embracing Change—Building a Business that Thrives into the Future

Senteo Rating 4.0
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Author:Lior Arussy
views 10466
Author:Lior Arussy
Senteo Rating 4.0

Next Is Now: 5 Steps for Embracing Change—Building a Business that Thrives into the Future
Lior Arussy, Simon & Schuster 2018
Senteo’s Review information

In the book “Next is Now”, Lior Arussydescribes the importance of embracing and proactively facilitating change within your organization. Arussy offers a unique methodology to tackle change and guide your business through the ruthlessly competitive environment we live in today. Arussy is a customer experience and strategy execution expert whose insights and methods have been successfully put into practice in over 200 corporate transformations worldwide.

According to Arussy, people and organizations generally prefer the status quo, but being ordinary gets you nowhere. Companies that drop the status quo and embrace change will rocket past organizations that fear it and end up being irrelevant. Arussy provides a special five-step method for adapting to, managing and even embracing change.

  • Face it
  • Analyze it
  • Redefine it
  • Grow it
  • Own it

Arussy provides a comprehensive organizational change guide along with supporting case studies and a historical lesson or organizational transformations.

This book provides useful insights around stimulating organizational change. It has an easy to digest proprietary methodology and provides compelling evidence and case studies in support of its fundamental thesis. We appreciate the level of expertise which went into this book, and it is clearly discernable that Arussy has extensive experience on in this practice.

While this book does a good job of providing a certain level of expertise on organizational change, it is only functional on a superficial level. As is a pitfall with many organizational change books, there is a lack of focus on actual processes which need to be incorporated for change to work successfully. Any business leader will tell you that stimulating and embracing change is just the tip of the iceberg. While that in itself is an achievement to be proud of, there is a lot of organizational development that needs to go on, to achieve successful iterative organizational change.

One of the world’s leading authorities on customer-centric business transformation, Lior Arussy—founder and CEO of the global consulting firm Strativity Group—offers “a revolutionary, yet pragmatic guide to not only managing change, but driving and thriving in a world of cataclysmic explosions of information and technology” (Joseph Michelli, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Leading the Starbucks Way).

The old business model of adapting to change for continued success is dead. Change is the new normal. There are no more periods of stability and predictability. There is only change. This continuous upheaval can undercut morale, decrease productivity and decimate profits, or it can be a game-changing opportunity.

In “Next Is Now”, “Lior Arussy provides a comprehensive and instructive roadmap for leading change and preparing yourself and your organization for the future. He generously shares insider insights, examples, and lessons learned from his many years advising top business leaders.” (Denise Lee Yohn, author of What Great Brands Do). He helps corporate leaders and their employees view change as an opportunity to become invested, drive that change, and achieve more success and job satisfaction than if change were simply implemented from the top down.

Based on his experience working one-on-one with major corporate clients like Mercedes-Benz, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Thomson Reuters, HSBC and other Fortune 500 clients, Arussy shares his five-step Future Ready Impact program, guiding change-impacted employees and business owners from a victim mentality to one of participation and ownership. As Stephen Cannon, the former president and CEO of Mercedes-Benz USA, raves, “For anyone interested in building a thriving business, Lior Arussy’s insights provide actionable steps to integrate into your plans for achieving success.”

For business leaders looking to understand more about organizational change and adapting to less stability and more competition in their industry, this is a valuable book to add to your repertoir

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    Next Is Now: 5 Steps for Embracing Change—Building a Business that Thrives into the Future
    Lior Arussy, Simon & Schuster 2018
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