Infinite Possibility: Creating Customer Value on the Digital Frontier

Senteo Rating 4.5
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Author:B. Joseph Pine II, Kim C. Korn
views 14902
Author:B. Joseph Pine II, Kim C. Korn
Senteo Rating 4.5

Infinite Possibility: Creating Customer Value on the Digital Frontier
B. Joseph Pine II, Kim C. Korn Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2011
Senteo’s Review information

This book is an application of Joseph Pine’s classic Experience Economy methodology to the digital realm. The book begins with a quick review of how innovations emerge in various industries, using “experience” to disrupt and capture market share.

The authors use the “progression of economic value” framework to contextualize their arguments, applying examples of digitally-oriented experiences and how IT can enable different business models to augment reality. The authors argue that technology should not be for technology’s sake, but enhancing the customer experience. They introduce the “multiverse” model, leveraging time, space and matter axes to construct 8 octants encompassing different forms of reality and virtuality, providing a novel way to frame experiences. Separate chapters are devoted to each of the octants, providing examples between reality and virtuality for the concepts of physical virtuality, mirrored virtulity, augmented reality, augmented virtuality, alternate reality and warped reality. The remainder of the book focuses on execution of such a “multiverse” and serves as a playbook for experience designers or business modelers looking for (digital) examples to incorporate experience design into their thinking.


A comprehensive and much-needed application of The Experience Economy to the digital world. Pine and Korn provide engaging and motivating examples for understanding each of their multiverse octant characteristics and contrast them with each other to explain the core principles. We particularly like the examples such as the chapter on warped reality and “experience flow,” drawing from casinos and theme parks to highlight how experiences can protect us from the “tyranny of time.”

The introduction of octants of the multiverse can be difficult to grasp and not very intuitive for the beginner. Examples used in areas such as augmented reality in service design may lack enough specificity for some readers. Others have cited the dense nature and not-so-intuitive selection of axes and nomenclature, utilizing some forced analogies of explorers/navigators and some overlap between the octants, however we believe the authors compensate for these shortcomings with motivating examples and suggestions on how to utilize their theory in particular environments

Digital technology offers limitless opportunities—you really can create anything you want—but real-world experiences have a richness that virtual ones do not. So how can you use the best of both? How do you make sense of such infinite possibility? What kinds of experiences can you create? Which ones should you offer?

In Infinite Possibility Pine and Korn provide a profound new tool geared to exploring and exploiting the digital frontier. They delineate eight different realms of experience encompassing various aspects of reality and virtuality and, using scores of examples, show how innovative companies operate within and across each realm to create extraordinary customer value. Follow them out onto the digital frontier to discover the opportunities that abound for your business.

This book is required reading for business modelers and experience designers, as well as aspiring consultants looking to frame the Experience Economy principles in a digital world. Consultants will find the methodology rich in its applications while potential clients (product designers and business modelers) will find a tool set for breaking down your product or service offering into component parts in order to find alternative attributes and fundamentally change your business model. This book is useful for both beginners as well as seasoned professionals.  Look for more examples and clarifications to contrast the octants of this model in subsequent editions to this essential reading.

Senteo Subject Category

This book builds upon Pine’s Experience Economy to provide a framework through the Eight Octants for understanding and applying the real and the virtual to the customer experience. It provides both a strategic understanding as well as framework for implementation planning.

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    Infinite Possibility: Creating Customer Value on the Digital Frontier
    B. Joseph Pine II, Kim C. Korn Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2011
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