The Customer Experience Revolution: How Companies Like Apple, Amazon, and Starbucks have Changed Business Forever

Senteo Rating 2.5
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Author:Jeofrey Bean, Sean Van Tyne
views 953
Author:Jeofrey Bean, Sean Van Tyne
Senteo Rating 2.5

The Customer Experience Revolution: How Companies Like Apple, Amazon, and Starbucks have Changed Business Forever
Jeofrey Bean, Sean Van Tyne, Brigantine Media, 2012
Senteo’s Review information

This is a light-reading book on the concept of customer experience, with a focus on real-world examples. The authors give a brief overview of customer experience, defining it as “the sum total of all interactions a person has with a company.”

They categorize companies into three types – companies that really understand, those that play lip service and those that just don’t believe customer experience matters. The first half of the book focuses on Apple, followed by examples of Netflix, Amazon, Starbucks and LPL financial. The authors trace the respective companies’ evolution, with the common turning point being the adoption of customer experience as their driving force. The authors refer to “do-for’s” throughout the book, arguing that these are at the core of the customer experience and what products and services actually do for them that they highly value. They summarize the customer experience through the Customer Experience Heirarchy, or a progression from ideas/technology focus to customer experience leadership, along with defining the 12 Essentials of Customer Experience.

The book is a quick read and gives real-world examples of success and failures, drawing some commonality between them in their attention to customer experience. This is an ideal book for the beginner who is interested in a lively read and provides less in the way of detailed theory. The authors stress the importance of buy-in across the organization, stressing with examples that the customer experience focus has to start with the leadership and when the CEO has a passion for CE, it can get into the DNA of the company.

Readers who look for more in the way of theory, diagrams and analytical work will find this book too light. It also does not provide a complete guide or understanding of the underlying drivers of customer experience. Examples include customer profiling, measuring customer experience and usage vs. experience. For more on this subject, see Customer Experience Strategy (Senteo review).

The customer experience revolution has begun and it is changing the way the best companies do business. In the new book, “The Customer Experience Revolution: How Companies Like Apple, Amazon, and Starbucks Have Changed Business Forever,” Jeofrey Bean and Sean Van Tyne describe the power of providing an extraordinary customer experience. Using examples from companies that understand CX (customer experience), they show how and why these companies are creating great experiences for their customers. From Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, and Intuit to smaller companies like LPL Financial, Square, and EMN8, you ll see how companies are achieving success with their focus on customer experience. Customer experience goes beyond branding, marketing, and customer service. It is more than products, features, and management. The book tells today’s company what makes a business profitable in this new century. The twelve essentials for creating great customer experience cannot be ignored. Expectations among consumers have risen. You need to be part of the customer experience revolution or your company will be left behind.

The book has some in-depth case studies and interpretations in the context of customer experience, useful for newcomers to the field as well as industry professionals looking for real-life examples of both what worked and didn’t work for (example) high-tech companies like Apple.

Senteo Subject Category

The Customer Experience Revoloution  provides more of a theoretical overview of customer experience than implementation specifics. Even the research component has shortcomings, as there are areas left out of the analysis (see dislikes above). There are some examples of frameworks such as The 12 Essentials of CE, however these provide little implementation details.

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    The Customer Experience Revolution: How Companies Like Apple, Amazon, and Starbucks have Changed Business Forever
    Jeofrey Bean, Sean Van Tyne, Brigantine Media, 2012
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