Serious Relationships: The 7 Elements of Successful Business Relationships

In this book, JC Quintana attempts to highlight the importance of focusing on building relationships in business. He highlights 7 key elements that are paramount in making up successful business relationships. Accordingly, this book is structured into seven parts reflecting the 7 elements Quintana describes as being fundamental to building successful relationships: Definition, Engagement, Centricity, Responsibility, Accountability, Transparency, and Staging. Through out the book and its various parts Quintana gives more in-depth explanations to justify some of his assumptions and analyses with supporting material. He uses a lot of personal anecdotes within the book to create emphasis upon and highlight many of his points.
It’s an interesting take on the importance of building relationships, and Quintana through out the book does make some good points such as pointing out the fact that relationships are holistic and from a business perspective there is a lot more to relationships that need to be built and they’re not one dimensional.
This book is riddled with issues. To begin with it is poorly written, from both a grammatical and a structural perspective. Grammatically the author has trouble with consistency and simplicity and tends to over complicate even the simplest thoughts. Structurally while there are supposed to be distinct parts which focus on each of the 7 elements, in reality we get a mix and mash of jumbled analogies and anecdotes which the author puts on paper and loosely attempts to link to the element he is describing. Its difficult to keep focused and follow a coherent line of thinking throughout this book. It is sprinkled with interesting ideas, but the execution of conveying those ideas is poor.
Quite disappointing on a topic that is so important in today’s businesses.
A candid examination of how we manage customers, employees, and business partner (channels / VARs / ISVs) relationships. What would happen if you managed your business relationships with the same care and attention as other “serious” relationships in your life? How would it impact all your relationships across your business? How would collaboration in all these areas change the way you deliver your value proposition? A discovery of the seven most important elements of every stakeholder relationship: relationship definition, engagement, centricity, responsibility, accountability, transparency, and experience.
For somebody who is looking to diversify their acumen related to business practices and learn about a new perspective on building relationships this could potentially be an interesting book to read. In reality though the useful applications are limited due to the authors struggles to captivate the reader and maintain and justify his points.

This book is more theoretical than tactical in implementation or development of a strategy.
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